if you grew up in the north...you know how annoying it is as a kid to have a cool costume all picked out only to have your mom ruin it by making you put on a winter coat and scarf and moon boots over it. how am i supposed to be a fairy/superhero/whatever with a coat covering it up??!?!?
ha ha
that's hilarious
Ha ha! True! My Mom tried to make it better by encouraging us to put on the jacket under out costume, but then we just looked really fat :(
(Typeing was just a huge challenge, the new cat decided he wanted to climb/wiggle into my sweater sleeve from the shoulder - and it's a roomy sweater but not THAT roomy - and like he was bound up in sausage casing with my arm, started biting my typing fingers. Bad cat!)
i remember one time i had the coolest princess costume, it was a dress that i wore as a flowergirl in a wedding and it was this dark purple color that i loved. and my mom made me wear an ugly turtleneck underneath that didn't even match. i was really really mad about that.
that memory was brought to mind last night as it was 30 degrees and i thought of all the poor kids who would have to bundle up for trick-or-treating night!
winter coats are costume killers. the worst part was watching tv shows where kids could trick-or-treat without winter coats. they always had WAY cooler costumes.
Hahahah! What a great drawing!! I never had to bundle up for halloween, but I could imagine the lameness of it all.
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